13. What the hell did I just see?


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


I write this blog late at night.  (It’s 1:34 a.m. right now.) 

When I need a pause from yapping about book publishing, instead of having a smoke like in the old days, I click on Twitter or look at the webcam in my hometown of Ligonier (PA).

The webcam points at where East Main Street meets Ligonier’s “The Diamond” (it’s called “The Town Square” everywhere else).

I walked, stood at, and even marched that corner a thousand times.  As a kid, my daily paper route started at a newsstand to the left.  As a member of the high school band, I marched through that corner in a dozen parades.  And when dad got older, I joined him for walks around the Diamond as he shared all he had learned of life before he no longer could.

Last night, taking a break, I watched the webcam.  A man stood on that corner.  A car pulled up.  Two guys got out, grabbed the man, and shoved him into the car’s back seat.  And the car took off. 

What the hell?!  

There was nobody else, and no other car, around.  Was anybody else anywhere else in the world looking at the Ligonier webcam for those same few seconds?

Was it a couple of buddies goofing off?  Rotary Club hijinks?  Should I call somebody? Was Ligonier’s police department even open at night?

Did I really see what I thought I saw?  If so, it had to be guys just messing around, right?

And what the hell can I do?  I’m in New York City. 


Tomorrow:  That agent joke