
The Truth About Love

Beautifully packaged and curated collection of quotes from the expected like Victor Hugo, Jane Austen, and Shakespeare, to the contemporary like Nora Ephron, John Green, and Margaret Atwood. Many of the more than 380 quotations are contradictory, but all are true.


The Hot Dog Cookbook: The Wiener Work the World Awaited

A witty, whimsical, often hilarious cookbook about America’s most popular food.  With over 100 recipes for soups, breakfasts, and classics such as Tube Steak Pâté and Crown Roast of Dogs, all accompanied by heaping side orders of frankfurter fact and fiction.


Lawyers & Other Reptiles

National bestseller! Americans love to hate lawyers. And whether they deserve it or not, here they bear the brunt of jokes, quotations, and quips by the likes of Groucho Marx, Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Pryor, Mark Twain, Will Rogers, Jay Leo, Richard Nixon, and many others.


Medical Wit and Wisdom: The Best Medical Quotations from Hippocrates to Groucho Marx

Headaches, surgery, psychoanalysis, and the flu remind us of our mortality. No wonder the healing arts provoke such strong opinions, from the funny and cynical to the poignant.  Featuring Jackie Mason, Norman Cousins, Alfred Hitchcock, Erma Bombeck and many more.


The Pessimist’s Journal of Very, Very Bad Days

366 days—each featuring an awful event that happened on that day—brings joy to the pessimist in all of us.  “The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, the pessimist fears this is true.” – James Branch Cabell


The Really, Really Classy Donald Trump Quiz Book

Your favorite guy!  The classy Mr. Donald Trump—the sex symbol, the man who gave his name to a board game, a failed airline, an illegal charity, a rip-off university, a couple of middle-European models, and practically an era.  Even Albert Schweitzer didn’t have his own quiz book!


Presidential Wit and Wisdom: Memorable Quotes from America’s Presidents

This collection of the most memorable things ever said by our Presidents, makes for a walk through American and world history, revealing them as men and leaders.  With pithy profiles, this is an indispensable and historical reference.


The Truth About Writing

There’s no better writing than what writers write about writing.  This curated collection is filled with wisdom from old favorites such as J. D. Salinger, Jack Kerouac, Sylvia Plath, and Ray Bradbury, and more contemporary figures such as Roxane Gay, Toni Morrison, Stephen King, and Cheryl Strayed.  Many of the more than 380 quotations are contradictory, but all are true.


Cocktail Hour: A Mixer of Quips and Quotations

On your next visit, don’t just bring another bottle of wine but also this handsome collection of quips and quotations by more than 100 great drinkers, including Dorothy Parker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Kingsley Amis. Cocktail Hour is the perfect accessory for any soirée.



For several years in the mid-1980s, my wife Sally worked and I stayed home with our son, Max. There were few of us househusbands back then (just me in our suburban Boston neighborhood). I did the shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning, and took care of the kids. I was the only guy at the playground, preschool, the library's story hour, swimming lessons, and all that sort of domestic stuff. I wrote about those years, but never got those writings published as a book. It was a different time. The assumption by many -- in-laws, landlord, neighbors, and other parents -- was that there was something wrong with me. Granted, that might be true, but not for those reasons. Looking back, I wouldn't trade those years with Max for anything!