I was just “walking around” in LA, not really “going for a walk,” when I looked up and WOW!
There on a theater marquee(!) was my favorite poet, publishing colleague, and good friend, Kim Dower!
Yep! I know the former City Poet Laureate of West Hollywood!
I just had to take a photo.
Or two.
Really, you should read Kim’s work (I’m rarely pushy like that).
Poke around on her site where many of her poems are posted (and/or read).
Or better yet, buy her collections!
Her words are accessible, insightful, clever, touching, funny, inspiring, and confirming.
Kim somehow puts what I’m feeling and thinking and all confused about, into words.
Oh, and she’s got a son, Max, just like I have a son, Max. :)
Try one!
Kim is also “Kim-from-LA,” the best book publicist I’ve known in my 40 years of marketing books.
Remember the joy our publishing team had pushing T. Berry Brazelton onto the New York Times bestseller list (this post)?
It was Kim who booked that amazing in-between-the-holidays author tour.
Speaking of Brazelton, I learned this week that his great, one-of-a-kind, genius editor, Merloyd Lawrence recently died.
Heartbreaking, and VERY DEPRESSING.
As an old publishing friend said to me, yesterday, “They’re calling our row.”