28. The good old Fourth Estate


My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.

If this is your first visit, be sure to start with 1. Let’s do it!


I’ll find a top-notch reporter who works for a major newspaper and tell her or him about a guy name Ace, some condoms he had 30 years ago, a dead senator, Spanky’s ashes, my old letterman’s jacket, a corrupt coroner, and a Steelers license plate.

Oh god, that sounds so stupid when I type it.  Really!  Just read it.  Argh!

And which newspaper and what reporter? I don’t know anybody. 

I’d have no better luck getting pass security at the New York Times than I would sneaking into Buckingham Palace to tell the Queen all about a guy name Ace, some condoms he had 30 years ago...  “What’s that Your Majesty?  You’re asking what a Steeler is?”

Seriously, the only reporter I know is Freeman and he’s dead. 

Nah, newspapers aren’t going to work.

Or TV news networks.  Because what I now know (more on that later), is that I’d soon be in big trouble. Just like Freeman.

I have a drink.  Then another.  I’m hearing something in the back of my head.  Can’t quite remember. Something Rich once said. 

I look back over these blogs.  Found it!  My “Crisis Management – Round Two” blog posted on January 22.

I wrote: 

Rich burst out laughing.  After a minute, he just shook his head. “Sorry, buddy, but nobody gives a fuck about book publishing.  It’s slow, it’s old, it publishes history, annoyingly high-brow literature, and celebrities who come and go in the time it takes you guys to make a book and find a couple of readers.

How sweet the revenge will be.


Tomorrow:  Good old book publishing!