My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.
If this is your first visit, be sure to start with “1. Let’s do it!”
Breaking news this morning! It’s announced! Matt is running in the special election for John Heinz’s former senate seat.
So how about that! My college housemate, my Boston buddy while at Harvard Law, and my bestselling Reinventing Justice author, might be a United States senator!
113 Chesterfield Road, Harvard Law School, U.S. Senate
I emailed Matt my congratulations. And suggested he update and re-issue his bestselling Reinventing Justice. He quickly wrote back. “Yep, let’s talk. As soon as I get through interviews with CNN, New York Times, and a round of Pennsylvania and D.C. media. Busy!”
So there’s Matt on the major media circuit. WOW!
And me on a minor writers conference circuit. Yawn...
Writers conferences show up in many sizes and far-flung locations, and with varying agendas and talent. I’ve spoken at large conferences with hundreds of hopeful writers at various hotels and conference complexes. And at smaller venues with no more than 20 hopeful writers.
Writers conference, Ligonier Ramada Inn
Like the one I’m speaking at next week. To be held in the Sir Ligonier Room at the Ramada Inn in my hometown of Ligonier.
Sir Lord Ligonier Room
This was my chance. I called Jim, Ligonier’s Police Chief. When I was a kid, Jim’s father, Jack, lived five houses below ours. Jim’s grandfather had the hardware store in town, and my dad was the town’s dentist.
Jess! Hey man, how you doing? I see that the Stouffer girl bought your parents’ house. Not sure I like that blue paint.
I’m with you on the paint but listen, I saw something a few nights ago, wanted to talk to you about it. You know, you as a police officer.
My parents’ (my childhood) home before the new owners painted it blue
I explained. Jim confirmed that the webcam is recorded. I gave him the date and time. He’d get the footage. I told him I’d be in town for a conference in two days, and asked, “Might I swing by the police station and look at the video with you?”
“Sure! I’ll grab us some coffee and chicken salad sandwiches from Abigail’s. Best sandwich in town. Abigail’s a Weimer girl, she must had been about two years behind you in school, ran around with the Hoffer and Swank cousins before—
“Oops, gotta go. Call coming in. See you soon.”
Also today, I got seventeen texts from an unknown number. Each text was just the same 17 letters:
E I N S T E I N R O Y A L T I E S.
Tomorrow: Ligonier webcam