My book publishing blog, with murder mysteries woven through it.
If this is your first visit, be sure to start with “1. Let’s do it!”
I signed off yesterday, saying “I’m thinking about what’s good in life, just in case.” After all, there’s something about seeing my supposedly alive favorite author’s grave, and that author’s gay editor’s husband making whoopee with that author’s wife (or might she be a widow?). Confusing!!!
So, onto what’s good in life — my children.
My daughter, Ruby, is much like me in all the good ways. We “get” each other. And are thus equally annoying. Best team ever.
My latest book and its dedication
And my son, Max, ended up working for a few years in publishing before his writing career took off. Way off.
(Whereas my writing, well, you’re reading it. Sigh.)
That Max and I have both written books, has its moments.
Like when I went to Max’s autographing session at New York City’s Books of Wonder. And a kid happened to walk in, looking for a copy of my Who Was Albert Einstein. I made the most of my rare moment in Max’s enduring spotlight.
And there’s this video from a Los Angeles Barnes & Noble.
Me, right across the aisle from Max, keeping an eye on the kid just like 35 years ago.
Yep, lucky me, in so many ways.
Tomorrow: Aaron and I meet. I’m nervous.